Our Practice
Striving to serve underserved, and forgotten communities
Our Community Impact
Thriving Mental Health Counseling provides various service outcomes individually, group communities, and community wide. We have an deep appreciation of working with diverse populations. The practice sustains an comprehensive clinical practice includes: from Persons coping with complex medical issues and kiddos trying to find their way in this world, to individuals attempting to understand their identity and cope with the world oppressing them, to ordinary people feeling stuck and overwhelmed. We have continued experience working with First Responders / Front Liners during CV-19, at (significant) reduced rates.
Thriving Mental Health Counseling NY continues to serve Rural and Agricultural communities as well, we do participate in Bartering Services.
Equally as our white therapists who with an demonstrated diverse service toward communities of color, we strongly acknowledge the healthcare and mental health profession are tied to medical systems hold oppressive and inequitable accessibility & often forgo accountability toward racism.
“I always thought my prior therapists’ just didn’t get me, so I wouldn’t tell them much of me, this is the first time I feel its worth to be open.”
— Source Request to remain anonymous
Our Practice’s Community Impact:
Each therapist is expected to uphold an Social Justice framework, and account for an high level of ongoing training and education
All therapists associated are trained in Trauma therapies
Providing at least 2 psychotherapy groups every 6-months
Each therapist is able to provide gender affirming services, including to provide Gender Affirming Letters
Provider consultation services is available
Sliding Scale for considerations of folks on low-income mediums
Mitigating healthcare discrimination practices; healthcare advocacy support is offered at any level of services
Practice director engages in pro bono work with community advocacy boards.
Donations are welcomed.
Whatever it is, the most insignificance can make the most influential impact.
We do accept donations (donations only go toward patient services); in the past whether someone wants to sponsor a group member to join for no-barrier engagement, or guarantee that someone can gain an GA-Letter for free. Please let us know how you want your contribution to be applied. We will give you an receipt, (if curious, we will add how your donation aided someone’s ability to engage). Remaining anonymous is also available.